Multilingual (SEO)

Multilingual search engine optimisation (SEO) is a method of online marketing to increase a website's visibility on culturally-specific search engines via organic search results for targeted keywords. Our Multilingual SEO Service Includes:

A fully managed multilingual SEO service

A dedicated multilingual SEO account manager

Fully researched keywords in your chosen country's native langauage

Analytics package

Full multilingual on-page SEO

With nearly 70% of the global online community estimated not to speak English as a first language, the next stage of any internet success is to use multilingual search engine optimisation (SEO). The online community has already embraced.SEO on a home front and now realises that with the internet having no territorial borders it represents a great opportunity to expand their business overseas using multilingual SEO If your company is looking to expand into America then the realisation that even in the US 40% of the population is Spanish speaking should be enough to realise that multi lingual SEO is important to all companies on the internet.

Like so much of modern day business the fastest growing markets are in Asia and internet growth is no different in this respect. Have you realised that there is a current Chinese market of 256 million people using search engines? This makes it the second most popular internet language after English. When you consider that this only represents a fifth of the Chinese market, it emphasises the huge potential that your company may be missing out on by not employing multi lingual search engine optimisation.

The third largest internet search language is Spanish, a market that represents $500 billion in spending power and only 1% of English websites are translated into Spanish at the moment. This is potentially another great avenue that multilingual search engine optimisation can open up for your business in the future.

GFM designer, best SEO company, SEO services UK, affordable SEO specialist London has recognised the need for companies to exploit these markets and is currently working closely with partners to provide the best multilingual SEO strategy for your company.Our multilingual SEO specialists will ensure that there is no confusion in the translation of your website and what it has to offer. We realise that something as simple as the Spanish spoke in Spain can be very different to the Spanish spoken in Mexico. Utilising multilingual SEO is much more complex than just translating your website word for word into another language. The basis of multilingual SEO is to know what the various foreign markets would value from your website and how to promote this from country to country.

Other factors to consider are the importance of various search engines. Whilst Google is far and away the world leader in search, many countries place great importance on their own national search engines. White Hat Media will make sure that your company is as well equipped as possible for all search engines, whether it is Voila in France or Baidu in China.

The future of SEO is very definitely multilingual and with so many expanding markets it could be the wisest decision you make.At GFM designer. Search marketing company, SEO company, SEO service London; our expert team of search engine marketing consultants will employ the most appropriate multilingual search engine optimisation (SEO) techniques to formulate the best search engine marketing campaign possible. This will be specific for each country you wish to target with your chosen targeted keywords.

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